Ctm berlin

CTM in September @ Vivy

Special thank you to Vivy for hosting and sponsoring drinks!

End-to-end load testing at scale

Oliwia Zaremba, Software Engineer at Zalando SE

Zalando served over 4,200 orders per minute at the peak of Black Friday 2018 campaign. In the world of microservices, Kubernetes, autoscaling and ubiquitous monitoring, load testing still played a crucial role to ensure the readiness of all the systems without overprovisioning and wasting money. I will share the challenges we met during our journey and the lessons learned from the process of simulating real users’ behavior on Zalando website at a large scale.

Simplifying Test Automation with OxygenHQ

Nachum Dimer, Co-founder and CEO

Test automation has been around for almost two decades yet for many years the market was questioning its efficiency and ROI. However, since Selenium framework has been released, test automation has been seeing a renaissance. What started as a developer-oriented tool has now become a de-facto standard for web and mobile automation testing, and yet many QA teams still struggle to implement Selenium in a timely and cost efficient manner. We’ve got some help coming your way!

Nachum will present Oxygen, a new open source framework and IDE for Selenium. Oxygen significantly simplifies work with Selenium and Appium by providing a unique combination of Node.js-based framework and a dedicated development environment. With Oxygen, both manual testers and test automation engineers can easily create a wide range of automation tests: Web, Mobile, API, DB, IoT and more. Learn more about OxygenHQ:


Nachum Dimer is an Israeli entrepreneur and QA evangelist with almost 20 years of experience in software architecture, development, and testing. Nachum has been working with a wide range of companies to help build, test and deploy various types of applications and systems. Nachum and his team has been developing a unique set of tools to help modern QA and agile teams to streamline testing, increasing clarity, stability, and value for the business
