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Career switch & Open Source

“How a translator became a tester”

Antonella Scaravilli - Software QA Engineer

I’d like to share with you my journey from being a translator to becoming a tester, which difficulties I’ve had along the way and which skills acquired during my academic training as a translator I still use in my testing role.


My name is Antonella Scaravilli and I’m from Salta, Argentina. I’ve been living in Barcelona for 5 years. I test iOS apps for a company that sells a SaaS to publishing companies and other clients. We also have our own magazine kiosk.

I love languages and learning about different topics. I’m always starting a new hobby or working on something new.


“(-(-(--)_-)-) all for one”

Paloma Oliveira - Software Engineer at Sauce Labs

Open Source is not just one thing. It started as an ideology about the freedom to modify and distribute software in the 1990s, but it has become a powerful movement that has transformed the way we organize, structure ourselves, and create billion-dollar businesses. And this is what I aim to bring to you: a broader understanding about “the good, the bad and the ugly” of this “thing”.


A wholehearted, undisciplined explorer, moved by open source ethics, she converts questions about autonomy, sustainability, and ableism into curatorial investigations, artworks and codes. Proudly part of Sauce Labs OSPO Team & Co-founder of Zentrum für Netzkunst Berlin.
