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Automating your Cypress/Playwright testing using Kubernetes with Cykubed

“Automating your Cypress/Playwright testing using Kubernetes with Cykubed”

Nick Brook

In Agile web development having a rapid test feedback loop is crucial for maintaining code quality, but running exhaustive test suites can be difficult to configure, painfully slow and extremely costly. Cykubed leverages the power of Kubernetes to run your tests in parallel inside your own cluster, utilising Kubernetes auto-scaling in conjunction with Spot VMs for huge cost savings. During the talk I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to set up a fully automated test suite in a live cluster with just a few lines of script, including integration with Slack and GitHub.


Nick wrote his first line of code on a VIC-20 and oddly enough I still enjoy it (although I’m quite glad we have more than 3k of RAM to work with these days). I’ve worked in startups of all shapes and sizes, from network management systems for wireless broadband, to trying to beat Google at mobile search (spoiler alert - we lost), to helping farmers track where their potatoes are going. I love working with other developers but after the last gig I thought I’d try going solo for a change, so his last project was his own creation: Cykubed, a CI/CD SaaS for Cypress and Playwright, written with FastAPI, Helm and Angular.

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